Friday, November 18, 2005

Only here for a moment

Been working soooooo much that I got sick. Vomiting and dizzy spells. Worked 31 hours in 2 days and only ate 1 almost full meal.

Been thinking about moving back to Vegas or Hawaii.

Have been doing some nice things with food. VIP events and the like.

Got to wake up in a few hours for another 16 plus day.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Been Busy

Been busy. Haven't had time to do much. Haven't spent any time with my son. Haven't spent any time with my girlfriend. Haven't spent any time with my 2 dogs. SUCKS ASS!!!
Hope I will have time. Your probably thinking, "Why don't you spenf time with them now?" Because they are all asleep!!! I work from 12 to 12 on a slow night!!!!!
I am tired and will go to bed now.