Monday, December 17, 2007

Meet the Parents

I met my girlfriends parentslast Saturday. Now what you first must realize is that I haven't had to "meet the parents" since I was a young boy growing up in The Bay Area of California. Ok well not that young actually not since I was married which was a while ago.

Well I met them.....

Her father, Mark, a soft spoken gentleman with kind eyes but at first sight may intimidate the weaker of the species. Since I am not prone to such intimidation I found Mark to be a very nice man and will enjoy his company for years to come. We did talk boxing for a lil bit and a bit of baseball. Her mother, Linda is very outspoken and I find that her contrast to her husbands quiet demeanor is her yin to his yang and might be the secret to their long marriage. She was quick to voice her concerns and her many questions concerning her daughter's well being as well as her grandchildren and rightfully so. I wouldn't expect anything less from two caring parents. She was quick to the point and wasted no time in giving her opinion. I did only have a short time with them as they had a flight to catch but all in all it ended with handshakes and hugs. I think Linda might be hoot once a few drinks are poured in front of her maybe some hot cocoa and butterscotch schnapps. Either way she is a stand up lady and I can respect that.

I will say I wasn't nervous but maybe a bit rusty as meeting the parents hasn't not been a regular thing for me in over 13 years. I did contemplate my style of dress as to not come off as a thug or a hooligan but to look somewhat respectable, mind you I did not wear a suit and tie.

And to make this a chef related blog...I was relieved that I wasn't asked any cooking tips or recipes this time around. I do look forward to cooking them a meal or few. Maybe even one holiday they can come down to Florida and WE can host the holiday for them...and yes I will cook.

See ya soon Linda and Mark it was a pleasure to meet you.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

and more pics.....

i love my doggies. I try to educate everyone about pitbulls. There are no bad dogs or bad breeds just bad owners. The general public doesnt know that pitbulls were bred to be loyal to children and the owners, they were bred to be animal aggressive that much is true. They werent originally bred to fight they were used for bull baiting and when that became illegal then dog fighting was the next choice. They used the pitbull for their tenacity and willingness to please and never give up. All this infor is availble in books and on the web. I know most of you have stopped reading this anyways but it is late and i am tired so i will stop. what.

Well things are goin good well as can be expected. I really feel the need to fly to Houston and knock someone out, but I shouldn't. I also dont follow directions very well. I wish thishousing market would take a turn for the better so I can sell my house make a profit and move closer to Tampa and cut my commute down. I still wont be able to afford in St. Pete but if I can just get sloser to Tampa I can shave 30 minutes off my drive.